Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crowsnest Centre's Auditors Report, Why Now

I was called today by a strong supporter of the Centre very upset with me for placing information on my blog about the Centre's audit last week just days before we vote. (Also called by a number of people looking for more information, which will be forth coming in the next few days). This person that called said to me don't you usually get audits early in the year, so you are only posting this now to influence the vote.
I don't see have a problem with providing information now, the public needs to be informed is that wrong?
Some members of council opposed posting the Hirano-Heaton report on the municipal web site, WHY? they also opposed providing the public that were interested in it, with a copy at the municipal office, WHY? they even wanted the public to pay for a copy. (We did $20,000 last year)
That report was done by a company from Lethbridge that as no political interest in the out come of this debate.
Going back to the original question why did I publish the Auditor's statement now and not back in the early part of the year? Simple, we as a council only received it last week. Don't take my word for it call the municipal office and check with them.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

I think they are less upset with you posting it and more upset that it makes their cause look bad.

As the days go by, the case for keeping that poor, neglected centre open without the proper funding gets weaker and weaker.