Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"No" We have lots of money in the Crowsnest Pass!

Well going back to my previous comments about the state of financial affairs in the Crowsnest Pass. Reserves are near gone we have almost $3 million in debt. I suspect that we are going to run a significant deficit this year. We already have a $94,000 deficit from the Crowsnest Centre that we have to cover in this years budgetary process. We were told last night that our Municipal Employees wages are going to be a "minimum" of $250,000 over budget this year. We have done nothing this year of an extra ordinary manner so chances are those dollars will be spent next year again, unless of course we are prepared to do some things differently. The employee's also receive a 4.5% pay increase on Jan 1,2009 which will cost us an additional $160,000 next year. Thankfully we as a council had the sense to put an end to the new Public Works Shop for Coleman last night. (That would have cost us $160,000 per year for the next five years). Then I have a taxpayer that tells me yesterday he spoke to one of my fellow councilors who told him that we do not have any financial problems. Sure hope that was a case of miscommunication.
Maybe its time to realise that we can't maintain what we have been doing and look at some alternatives.


John Prince said...

You are 'in- tune' with the times, Dean. Good for you!

A paradigm shift in the way things 'have been done', towards 'new ways and means' is definitely what is required here. We need a 'Ways and Means' committee! A small select group made up of members from council, economic development, chamber of commerce and certain members at large (moi, being one, of course. :-)) This group can develop the vision and plan (e.g. Pass to the Future) to take our community forward, and the 'will' to carry it forward can come from people in positions, like you and your band of merry men. ;-)

Putting on the breaks with respect to getting our financial house in order, is a very 'positive', and 'good', first step. Kudos to you!

dan breier said...


Earlier in the spring you discussed the issues related to the 2008 municipal tax increase. What, if any planning has been put in place to look at alternative sources of revenue, other than the proverbial residential tax base?

The simple fact that the municipality relies so heavily on this source of revenue is and should be a major concern for council and the municipality as a whole.

Don't get me wrong. Coming to terms with overspending and operational inefficiencies is very important. Ultimately however, the future of our area requires supporting and fostering ideas such as John's "think tank".

By supporting and encouraging initiatives that create a climate within the community that is unique and creative, the community builds a base that then begins to attract that exact demographic.

Many throughout our community would like to see a vibrant area that fosters growth...Create and support the climate for that type of vision and it can and will happen!



John Prince said...

Great post by Dan Brier!

I agree with every word and am very much encouraged to see and hear, so many people like Dan who want not only to see change, but who are already actively involved in our community promoting and trying to carry out some of the very change we speak of, in their own small way.

These are the type of people who should be involved in the bigger picture in our proposed 'think tank'. It's time the 'young guns' got in on the decision making in our community. Lord knows, the old ways of doing things have not kept up with the times, and as a result, we have inherited the problems we have... including the Centre.

Change, she is A-Coming.

dave blacklock said...

Great work on the Center issue and putting the brakes on spending that we can't afford.

In the near future I would like to see a Corporate Review to formally identify what other facilities and personel positions that are under utilized and to expensive to maintain.

Keep up the great work. You and your merry men can count on my support in the next election.