Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coming out of the Closet

Coming out of the closet, this as nothing to do with politics. But for those that don't know me well, I am taking the opportunity after the better part of fourty years of hiding in the closet with all those other fans that have not had the opportunity to win a Stanley Cup in a longggggg time. I am proud of the Canucks and what they have accomplished this year, obviously my preference is for them to win the cup tonight but even if they don't  I will still be very, very proud.
Another big plus in all of this, it sure makes that closet a little less crowded for all those Leaf fans in there.

So Go Canucks Go  

Check this out very well done.


John Prince said...

Go CANUCKS go!!!

Anonymous said...


wrong night to come out of the closet.

Your Canucks were embarassing.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

I'm so sad, this was the Canucks year.
I'm sad because of the people that caused the problems after the game.
I was going to call them fans but they are not, they are idiots.
It just shows the potential for problems when you gather a large crowd for an event, add booze and watch a small percentage go nuts.

Any way back into the closet with all those leaf fans, man its crowded.

Congrats to the Bruins.

Anonymous said...


I thought you made an interesting comment near the end of your last reply.

"It just shows the potential for problems when you gather a large crowd for an event, add booze and watch a small percentage go nuts."

I'm wondering ... could something similar to what happened in Vancouver last night also occur in Crowsnest Pass during the July weekend, where 20,000+ people from outside the area come to watch the fireworks? A lot of excessive drinking occurs this weekend, too. There have been fights & brawls in the past (I’ve observed them), but what would happen if things were to escalate to another level. Would there be enough police available to handle things?

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

Somebody once said to me 99% of the people that come to Thunder in the Valley are good.

I agree unfortunatly 1% of 30,000 is 300.
300 idiots let loose on a main street like ours! that I fear.
RCMP best case situation you would have 35 of them. Maybe 5-6 CP rail cops and a few sheriffs. 40-45 people tops.

How much damage could they do? that I would hate to imagine.

Nobody expected it in Vancouver. I hope we never have to experience that here.

Anonymous said...

(After seeing the mess in Vancouver)-- Does this business that is none of our business have their own insurance? I was told by the municipality that ALL groups have to have their own insurance. Even Bell Crest days had to get and pay their own insurance.
I think this is a simple question and in line to ask. Why is it so hard for anyone to answer?

peter rosner said...

well lets hope it doesn't happen here but it has happened to other large events like the "Regatta festival in Kelowna and that had to be cancelled because of those types looking to cause trouble. I support Rum Runners and Thunder in The Valley but you have to wonder if this could happen. I know all the voluteers are doing their best and it is appreciated but the mass crowd in the ISS field could become a nightmare if things got out of hand.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

6:45 When I was on council all groups were required to have $2 million liability insurance. Would that cover rioting, civil disobience? I don't know.

Anonymous said...

If something were ever to happen during Rum Runner Days, it's the organizers and the municipality that would be held accountable. This includes the group who runs the ad hoc campground along the CPR tracks. Hopefully, they all have insurance. Like Vancouver, it's booze that's going to be the root of any problems. I support Rum Runner Days, too, including the fireworks, but we need to address the excessive drinking. We also need to put an end to the ad hoc campground along the tracks and the random camping that occurs within the municipality. Unless people are staying in a campground like Lost Lemon or are on private property with the owner's permission, campers, trailers, tents ... etc should not be permitted on boulevards or town property. Try camping here any other weekend and see how long it will be before someone complains and the police show up. I would really like to hear something from the organizers about this. I know they have been contacted in the past about all these issues, yet these complaints always seem to fall on deaf ears. I think this is a ticking time bomb and unless changes are made, it will blow up on all of us someday.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with the last comment. That campground along the tracks is disgraceful. I really feel for the taxpayers who are forced to tolerate the noise and disruption from the time those rv's start rolling in. Not only is it ugly to look at, it creates more potential for drinking and partying, being so close to the bars and liquor stores. That campground should be moved out of town,surely there is someplace that can be used. Then, perhaps that land along the tracks could be used for parking for Thunder in the Valley. I'm sure that people would be more than happy to pay to park there in an organized fashion.